Evergreen Glades
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Animal Cruelty ~01/11/2011
My entry for this week is this video I made. It needs to be seen, it is IMPORTANT. WARNING - Disturbing photos.
After you've seen the video above, watch this one I also made (it's happier, no worries)
After you've seen the video above, watch this one I also made (it's happier, no worries)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Wolves ~

Wolves are some of my most favorite animals ~^^~ Here are some species of wolves we will be discussing on:
♥ The Grey Wolf (Canis lupus)
♥ The Red Wolf (Canis rufus)
♥ The Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
We will also be going into wolf sub-species:
♥ Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arcto)
♥ Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

Let's start with what wolves are. Domestic dogs originally came from the wolf. That's right, even a powder-puff Poodle or a tiny Yorkshire Terrier originally came from a wolf. The domestic dogs that seem to resemble the most like wolves are Huskies. Wolves come in a variety of breeds and colors. The most common wolf is the Grey Wolf. These canines aren't your common dogs either. Some people see a wolf and think "Those are sooooo cuuuute!! They look just like John/Jane Doe's dog ♥" Wolves are not, and I repeat, ARE NOT pets!! This beautiful creatures may look like a dog, but they are not tame and dangerous to have as pets if you do not know what you're doing! These canines are to be out in the wild, not in the home!
Let's go over the physique of the wolf. Here's a size comparison between a grey wolf and a coyote:

Wolves are known for having golden eyes and pierce through the darkness of the night. They are nocturnal animals. You can see them during the day, but at night is when it's time to hunt. They look similar to dogs, in that they have fur, a tail, four legs, two ears, two eyes, and canine teeth. Their senses are off the charts when it comes to smell and hearing. Colors are a variety of grey, black, white, red, and brown. They live in packs, which are also a sort of families. Usually a pack has around nine wolves, but the number of wolves in a pack is a variety from four ~ fifteen wolves in the same pack! They live in dens; they typically look like this:

The percentage of married couples, for Christians and non-Christians, is %50 end in divorce. That's a really large number if you think about it! Wolves, on the other hand, are mates for life. We married couples should learn from animals such as wolves. A litter can have around one ~ six cubs. The hierarchy of the pack is fascinating too.
_________________|_________________ ---PUPS-- (MALES and FEMALES)
(MALE and FEMALE) OMEGA WOLF ----------
Here's a chart from National Geography:

Wolf Range
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Mammal
- Diet:
- Carnivore
- Average life span in the wild:
- 6 to 8 years
- Size:
- Head and body, 36 to 63 in (91 to 160 cm); Tail, 13 to 20 in (33 to 51 cm)
- Weight:
- 40 to 175 lbs (18 to 79 kg)
- Group name:
- Pack
- Protection status:
- Endangered
- Let's go into details now of some breeds in particular:
- ~♥~ GREY WOLVES ~♥~
♥ Also known as Timber Wolves
♥ Come in grey, white, black, and red
♥Feed primarily on large hooved animals such as Elk and Caribou, but will sometimes eat smaller animals such as birds and beavers
♥ Breeding season is between January ~ April
♥ Largest breed of wolves
♥ Lone wolves leave their previous pack they were in to find a mate and start a new pack
♥ Pack size can vary from two ~ over fifteen wolves
♥ Males are the strongest
~♥~ RED WOLVES ~♥~
♥ Colors range from cinnamon red, grey, and black
♥ Weighs around forty ~ eighty pounds
♥ Packs usually consist the alpha pair and their offsprings
♥ Prefer to eat white-tailed deer and raccoons
♥ Mate between February ~ March
♥ By around six months old, they leave their pack and start their own

- Head: Wolf
- Ears: African Hunting Dog
- Body: Hyena
- Legs: Fox
♥ Nicknamed as stilt-legged fox
♥ Have black manes
♥ Breeding period in April and gives birth around August ~ September
♥ Prefer to eat lobeira and small rodents and chickens
♥ Around the South American Region

♥ Color is white
♥ Live around the Canadian Arctic islands and Greenland
♥ Rare to find lone Arctic Wolves because one alone would have a very difficult time surviving
♥ Thicker coat layer
♥ Eat anything they can catch

♥ Eat hooved animals such as deer and mule, as well as wild pigs, rats, and ground squirrels
♥ Mating season is around February ~ March
♥ Are protected by the ESA (ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT)
♥ Live around in Mexico and Texas

Wolves are very rapidly becoming endangered species. If we do not take action, they will all be wiped out by hunters. If you see a wolf, call a wildlife preserve to come pick it up instead of shooting it. If a wolf gets a hold of you or someone you love (including pets), it is understandable to shoot them. But please, don't go hunting for them and if it is possible for you to call a nature preserve to pick them up is much appreciated. Thank you ~^^~
"Wolves: Life in the Pack" by Chris Whitt
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Hi, I'm Allie. I used to blog a lot when I'd go on MySpace in around 8th Grade. I took a break from it then, and now I'm starting back on blogging (yay!!) ~^^~ (<--This is my personal smilie) Anyway, as of this writing I am 20 yrs old and married to a wonderful husband ♥ He's a Christian Apologist (a·pol·o·get·ics [uh-pol-uh-jet-iks] –noun ( used with a singular verb
Hi, I'm Allie. I used to blog a lot when I'd go on MySpace in around 8th Grade. I took a break from it then, and now I'm starting back on blogging (yay!!) ~^^~ (<--This is my personal smilie) Anyway, as of this writing I am 20 yrs old and married to a wonderful husband ♥ He's a Christian Apologist (a·pol·o·get·ics [uh-pol-uh-jet-iks] –noun ( used with a singular verb

the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity. -
You can visit his website at ♥
Let's see, what else about me...Um, I LOVE anime, I love to draw anime, and I also LOVE animals ^^; My favorite animal would probably be the Wolf (lupin). I also really like horses (equine) and basically ALL canines (and foxes - vulpes). In fact, that's what this blog is all about, animals and nature in general ^^; Now, I do admit, I will probably have things up here on [i]some[/i] creatures I don't like (aka bugs - especially spiders...ewwwwwww -sqeam). But I also know they are just as important to the Earth as any of the other creatures I do like (such as cats (felines) and birds (avians).
Now, can we all agree that our Earth needs some major help? You may realize this, or you may not, but we are damaging our planet in a big time way!! Look around you, all the pollution, trash that is littered, and illegal animal fights (cock/dog fights for example). We are hunting animals for game, just to have fun. I know some people are doing that not necessarily for fun though. My uncle for example, before he died, he did hunting, but he actually hunted for the meat to eat. It's true that humans are above animals, but we need to respect them as well. (Proverbs 12:10 = The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. -NIV)
I am a Christian, and as a Christian I realize we have stewardship of the Earth. Of course, we can think in extremes as well. Take PETA for example, or how my husband calls them jokingly - People Eating Tasty Animals. Of course, if it is your decision not to eat meat, that's fine too. Anyway, they'll actually put animals above humans, and this is wrong.
This is one extreme, but it seems many Christians have gone the opposite extreme by doing nothing to help animals or nature for that matter. Understandably, we want to avoid the New Age movement and we don't want to be environmentalist wackos. Is it possible to love, appreciate, and have wonder and respect for God's creation without worshiping it? It is, and that's what this blog is all about ~^^~
I'll be putting different things up on facts about animals/plants/etc, as well as ideas on how we can help. I'm calling ALL people, Christians and non-Christians, to help heal our environment because it is going to take team work on ALL of our part to help our Earth. However, we Christians who believe God created everything good, should be the examples in this!

Love the Earth and take care of it.
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